
  • Wilson Jorge Correia Pinto de Abreu
  • Carol Elizabeth Marrow


This research examines the practice of clinical supervision in nursing in both The United Kingdom and Portugal, one important pilar of safety care. The study was funded by the British Council under the Treaty of Windsor scheme. Forty five nurses from both countries completed questionnaires. One focus group interview was held in both countries involving three participants, six in total (only three volunteered) who had also completed the questionnaire. The quantitative data from the questionnaires were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the qualitative data from both the questionnaires and the focus groups were analysed using Colaizzi’s (1978) framework. The findings suggest that clinical supervision has positive benefits for professional development of nurses and their clinical practice. Constraints are evident, particularly in The United Kingdom and these included lack of time, lack of understanding of clinical supervision and lack of commitment.Implications for Nursing Management: Managers need to support clinical supervision for it is important for quality care and evidence based practice.
Protocols for clinical supervision practice would enable managers to lead and support staff’s professional development and help to ensure quality care within the organisation.


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Como Citar

Correia Pinto de Abreu, W. J., & Elizabeth Marrow, C. (2013). CLINICAL SUPERVISION IN NURSING PRACTICE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN PORTUGAL AND THE UNITED KINGDOM. SANARE - Revista De Políticas Públicas, 11(2). Recuperado de